Saturday, December 7, 2019

World Wide Forum Post 5

Question: Why does CS Lewis (p. 50) suggest that " A recovery of the old sense of sin is essential to Christianity "? Answer: CS Lewis has stated in his research work that love might cause pain to its object, but only on the supposition that the object required alteration to become entirely lovable. In response to the answer of required alteration, the Christian respond stated that we all have used our free of charge would to become very bad and this is so fine acknowledged that is barely mandatory to be confirmed[1]. However, it can be confirmed that to fetch this principle into the actual life in the intellects of both the contemporary men and Christians, it is extremely rigid. It can be stated that when the missionaries sermonized, they could take for granted even in their Pagan hearers a real awareness of deserving the Divine annoyance. [2] References Lewis, C. S.The Problem Of Pain. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2001. [1] C. S Lewis,The Problem Of Pain(New York, NY: HarperOne, 2001). [2] C. S Lewis,The Problem Of Pain(New York, NY: HarperOne, 2001).

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